Do you have a project or partnership aligned with our long-term vision to restore, protect, and enhance Canadian forest ecosystems?

We are interested in developing ancillary products and services that will enhance the benefit our investments can provide to our customers, our community, and our planet’s future.
Projects we are currently supporting include operations to harvest chaga mushrooms and regenerative ranching.
Chaga is a fungus that grows on the bark of trees in cold-climate northern forests and is taken as a health supplement, partly for its rich antioxidant properties. Harvesting activities will begin in our Painted Forest in 2023.
Regenerative ranching is a practice that simulates the beneficial role that large grazers like bison have on the local ecosystem and soil carbon. Most often, cattle are used in place of bison, which have been extirpated from most of the wild. On our Peace River property, where we have grazing lands, we host cattle and bison to improve the health of our soils and enhance wildlife habitat.
By developing projects of this nature alongside our efforts to protect, restore, and manage our forestland assets, we can maximize the potential benefit of our operations and create the economic incentive required to drive the expansion of our carbon projects and nature enhancement programs.